HIGHLIGHTS Xiaomi brings Redmi 9 Power to India Xiaomi Redmi 9 Power based on Redmi Note 9 4G Redmi 9 Power to go on sale from December 22 Xiaomi has launched the Redmi 9 Power in India after its debut as the Redmi Note 9 4G in November in China. The Redmi 9 Power is based on that phone in the sense that it features an additional camera sensor on the back while keeping the rest of the features in line with the Chinese variant. Xiaomi had been teasing the Redmi 9 Power for quite some time now after the Redmi Note 9 4G launched alongside the Redmi Note 9 5G and Note 9 Pro 5G. The Redmi 9 Power is the fifth smartphone in the Redmi 9 lineup after the Redmi 9A, Redmi 9i, Redmi 9, and Redmi 9 Prime. It has a relatively new design with the brand’s name slapped across the back panel along with a textured finish and a quad-camera array on the back. The phone is also equipped with a large capacity battery to boot. Here’s everything you should know about the Redmi 9 Power in detail. XIAOMI ...
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