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How to create your own server at home for web hosting

 How to host your own website server ?

Those who run a blog or a website must be familiar with web hosting. Without a web hosting or web server for any website on the Internet, no website can be live on the Internet and no visitor can visit the website. Simply put, it is not possible to create a website without web hosting or a web server.

How to create your own server at home for web hosting

Many of you may have wondered why you have to use a third party service for web hosting and pay a third party hosting provider. Can't I create a server for my website using my own computer and my own internet connection? If not, what are the reasons I can't? Today I am going to discuss these issues.

web server on your own pc

Using your own computer and the Internet as a server for your website is not very practical, but it is a lot of fun and challenging.

Because, by using your device as a web server, you can at least tell people that you run a complete web server on your PC! Being able to say this is the biggest reason for many people to try to host a web server on their computer.

However, if you want to host a web server on your computer using your Internet connection, first of all you need to know if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows it.

And yes, by now you must have realized that if you want to host a web server using your own internet, you must have a broadband internet connection. Of course you can't do this using mobile data or 3G or 4G internet.

In addition to broadband internet, all you need is a static IP address provided by your ISP. It is possible to host a server using a dynamic IP address, but this can be a problem for your ISP as they assign more than one user to a dynamic IP address.

This is exactly why many ISP users are not allowed to host any web server or FTP server using their internet connection.

You can host a server by routing a dynamic IP to a static hostname, but this is never the best solution and it violates the policy of most ISPs.

So you first need to know if your ISP allows it and if it does, then you need to know if your ISP offers users a static IP address. If so, you need to manage a static IP address, which many ISPs in Bangladesh call real IPO.

Apply to the ISP, and either way, you need to manage a static IP for your devices that the ISP will assign to you and you can use it as your server's IP address.

And if they can't offer you static IP for home internet, you may have to take a business broadband line for static IP. Business lines are usually much more expensive than home internet lines. However, if you want to host a web server, you must have a business line, if you do not get a static IP on the home Internet.

On the business line you will always find the static IP address that is required to host the server. So these are the problems before hosting a web server that you have to face before starting work!

Other disadvantages (speed, bandwidth, uptime)

Whether your ISP will allow and whether you are being assigned a static IP address, whether you will need a business line, these are some minor issues that you need to consider before hosting a server. But you have to face the real problems after hosting your server. First of all, a stable internet connection of fairly good speed is required to host a website on your own web server.

If your internet speed is 1 or 2 Mbps in total, then surely you will not host a web server using it. Even if your internet speed is 50 Mbps download and 5 Mbps upload speed, your web server will not perform well if your website gets a good amount of traffic every day. Hosting a web server requires a good speed and stable internet connection.

And yes, if your internet connection is limited, that is, if you have a limit that you can't consume more than a certain amount of bandwidth each month, then you must think about hosting a web server.

Because, if you host a web server with limited bandwidth internet connection, you will cross your limit very quickly and your server will go offline. So if your internet connection is of very good speed and you have the opportunity to consume unlimited bandwidth, then you can think of hosting your own web server with the help of your internet connection.

Another big problem with hosting web servers on your internet and device is server uptime. The device and internet connection that you will be using to host the web server must be running 24/6 and the internet connection must be active 24/6 to keep your web server and the website hosted on the web server running. If you think in the context of Bangladesh, then this is the biggest problem.

Every time the electricity goes off every day, your web server and the website hosted there will go down.


By now you must understand what are the disadvantages of hosting your own internet and web server on your device and why it is much more useful and cost saving to get a good shared hosting or VPS hosting than them!


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