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What is the bounce rate? How to keep bounce rate low: (SEO Tutorial)

 Bounce rate is one of the important and important ranking factor of Google.

What is the bounce rate?

With this, Google can know about the quality and relevancy of any web page.

In the case of blogging, we use various "SEO optimization techniques".

And, we use SEO techniques for one purpose only, which is to "improve the ranking of web pages on the Google search results page (SERP)".

But you know what?

If the bounce rate of your blog or website is very high, then thousands of good SEO (SEO) will not benefit?

Websites with high bounce rate, low quality websites in the eyes of Google.

However, there are some special reasons for this.

That is,

  • How useful is your article in the case of visitors?
  • Is your content relevant and relevant to the questions or issues searched by the user?

Google can easily understand all these issues only through this "bounce rate".

And since,

Google always ranks websites in its SERP considering the user experience, so keeping the bounce rate of web pages low is very important for SEO.

In this case, if the bounce rate of your website is higher, then expecting traffic from Google search engine will not be of any benefit.

Let us know in more detail below,

  • What is bounce rate (what is bounce rate in Bangla) ”?
  • "How much bounce rate can be considered as good"?
  • "How to keep the bounce rate low"? 
  • "How to check the bounce rate of your website"?

What is the bounce rate of the website? (What is bounce rate)

Bounce rate is a service of google analytics through which information about the behavior of a user who comes to a web page can be found.

Let's know a little bit about bounce rate practically.

Suppose you do a Google search for a topic and the topic is "what is bounce rate of a website".

Now, after searching the topic or question on Google, Google showed you this article I wrote.

You too, by clicking on my website from Google's watch list.

In the first case

Suppose you liked my article on bounce rate and you took a lot of time to read it.

Since you have been reading my article for a long time, my web page bounce rate will be much lower.

And, it will send a signal to Google that,

The content or answer related to the question "what is bounce rate of a website" that I have written on my web page is completely relevant to the question and the user prefers the content.

In this way, Google will improve the ranking of your web page written with a bounce rate as opposed to the “search term” or “keyword”.

And, having a good ranking on Google's search engine results page means a lot of traffic, right?

In Second Case

Suppose you have an article on "WordPress Speed ​​Optimization".

Now, you do a Google search for "How to do WordPress Speed ​​Optimization".

Unlike your search query or search term, Google gives you a list of web pages related to the search term.

In it you clicked and visited my article page on "WordPress Speed ​​Optimization".


If you do not like the article or you do not find some information related to the topic you are looking for in the article, then in a few seconds you will leave my web page.

And, since you haven't read the article in just a few seconds of visiting my website, my web page bounce rate will be much higher.

And, because of the high bounce rate, Google can easily understand that my content has no relevance or match with the topic or question being searched.

Simply put, users don't like my articles or content, Google will understand that.

As a result, in the future, your article page will be dropped by Google in its SERP list as opposed to that question, keyword or search term.

Conversely, with "WordPress Speed ​​Optimization" you will greatly reduce the amount of traffic and visitors to that page.

Remember, the first important purpose of Google is to "provide useful information to the user".

Moreover, there must be relevance or mail between the search engine search queries and the content on your web page.

So what do we mean by bounce rate?

Bounce rate is the most important and important "Google ranking factor".

So, this “SEO factor” is the first thing to look for when ranking a website on Google's search results page (SERP).

And, bounce rate can be said to be a major part of "on page SEO".

The bounce rate is the amount of time that users leave your web page when they visit any web page on your website.

And, we have to use Google analytics to check the bounce rate of our website.

The more time users read content from your web page, the lower the bounce rate will be.

And, the sooner the user leaves your web page and returns, the higher the bounce rate will be.

And, Google determines the ranking of any website based on the amount of this bounce rate.

Because, through bounce rate, Google can understand the relevance or mail of your article with the user's searched topic.

Then you understand, "What does bounce rate mean?"

What is a good bounce rate?

To put it bluntly, the lower the bounce rate, the better.

However, you may want to get an idea of ​​what percentage bounce rate is good.

In this case, the amount of bounce rate may vary depending on the content quality of different websites.

Now, if we talk about safe and good bounce rate, it is better to have less than 80%.

A bounce rate of 60% or more means worse.
80 - 89% means almost bad.
55 - 69% means fairly good.
30 - 54% means much better.
Thus, the bounce rate is lower in the case of a blog website.

Approximately, 70 - 79% inside.

Because, in most cases, users view the content of the blog beforehand.

And, if they think there is nothing good in the article, they immediately leave your website.

And so, in order to keep the bounce rate low, you have to write your website articles very well and in an interesting way.

Remember, your main goal should be for users to read your content as much as possible.

How do you know the bounce rate of your website?

You can know how much bounce rate is happening in the whole website or in different content pages of the website.

And as I said before, we need to use "Google analytics" to find out the bounce rate of the website.

Of course if you are a blogger, then you have a Google analytics account.

So, we have to use our google account / Gmail account to create an account here.

You have to link and verify the domain of your website with the created Google analytics account.

Then, through various means you can check the bounce rate of your web pages.

  • Behavior >> Site content >> All Pages >> Bounce Rate
  • Acquisition >> All traffic >> Channels >> Bounce Rate
  • Acquisition >> Source / Medium >> Bounce Rate

How to reduce the bounce rate of the website?

We do a variety of SEO optimizations to increase the Google search ranking of our website.

However, not many people know that bounce rate is one of the most important Google ranking factor and an important part of SEO.

And for this reason, many people may have done the right SEO, but can not do a good ranking of the website in Google search.

No matter how good your SEO is, but if the bounce rate of your web page is too high, it will mean to Google that "the user experience of your site is very bad".

And, once you understand this, Google will make your website rank a lot worse.

As a result, the amount of traffic to your website from Google will be drastically reduced.

So, in case of blogging, you should always try to keep a low bounce rate.

And so, here are some important rules to keep your website bounce rate low.

Some rules to keep the bounce rate low
If you apply the rules I will tell you about the rules below, the bounce rate of your website will definitely be less.

1. Improve content quality

We all know that content is the king of a blog. (Content is king).

Now, the main reason for having high bounce rate may be "poor quality of your website content".

No user, you or I will never like low quality article or content.

So, when users can read your article easily and conveniently, the bounce rate of the page will automatically decrease.

Now, to say content quality, we have to focus on different aspects of the article.


  • Write the article you are writing with accurate and detailed .
  • information. This will allow users to read your content and stay on the article page for a long time.
  • Don't use too many of the same keywords in the article. As the user-experience gets worse, the issue of keyword stuffing may come to the notice of Google.
  • Optimize the title and heading (H Tags) of the article. Users can be captured by interesting titles or headings.
  • Write blog articles in short paragraphs. With this, the user can read the article in a very easy and convenient way.
  • Meditate on the font size of the article. If the font size is too small or too large, it may be difficult for visitors to read the article.
  • Write articles in at least 1500 to 2500 words. This gives readers or users more time to stay on your blog.

In this way, by making some small optimizations on the article and keeping the quality of the content good, you can keep the bounce rate of that article page low.

2. Improve website loading speed

In a word, if your website loading speed is slow, then the bounce rate is never low.

Because, when a user visits your website, he only waits for 1 to 2 seconds for the website to load.

Now, if the loading speed of your website is slow, it will take at least 4 to 7 seconds to load in the browser.

In this way, without seeing the article or content, the user gets annoyed and immediately leaves your website.

As a result, the bounce rate of that web page increases a lot and despite writing high quality content, the content becomes low quality in the eyes of Google.

So, first of all, try to keep the loading speed of your blog fast.

Here are some tips to help you speed up your website's loading speed.

  • Use the latest PHP version on the website.
  • Before uploading the images, compress and reduce the size.
  • Don't use too many plugins on the website.
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript.
  • Speed ​​up the loading speed of the website with the caching plugin.
  • Use CDN (content delivery network).
  • Use a good and fast cloud hosting service.
  • Use lightweight and clean website theme.
  • Don't show too many ads on the blog.

3. Clean and simple blog design

Remember, visitors to your blog prefer a simple and clean website design

As a result of simple and clean website design, the reader's mind will be only on the content you write.

Moreover, if you design a website with more color and variety, it can be difficult for the reader to read the article.

The design of the website must be responsive.

As a result of responsive design, your website will open properly on devices of any size and readers will be able to read the article easily.

4. Use of related posts / articles

Always use some related articles at the end of the blog article.

By putting a section of related articles at the end of the article, it can hold the visitors of your website for a longer period of time.

Because, through the related post, some other articles of the blog related to the article are shown.

And, if you have some useful articles on your blog, users will click on them and read.

This will allow you to keep visitors on your blog for a longer period of time.

As a result, the bounce rate of your website will decrease.

To use the function of Related post, you will get a lot of WordPress plugins.

5. Use internal linking

Internal linking or interlining is very important for on page SEO of a website.

In this process, links to some of the other blog articles associated with the article are included in the content when writing the article.

This process, in addition to improving the SEO of the website, also comes in handy in the case of low bounce rate.

So, in order to keep the bounce rate of the blog low, you must use the process of internal linking.

6. Don't use too many ads

If you use a lot of ads on your web page, then the loading speed of the blog will be slow.

And as I said before, having your website slow means that the bounce rate of the website is increasing.

Moreover, showing too many ads on the blog can make it very difficult for the reader to read the article.

So that the reader does not have any problem while reading the article, it is enough to see the advertisement 3 to 4 times as required.

While reading the article, more unnecessary ads can leave visitors annoyed and leave your blog.

So, I would say again, don't show too many ads on the website.

7. Use images in article

Using images in articles is very important for SEO.

However, you can reduce the bounce rate of your blog by using images associated with the content in the article.

It is said, "A picture is worth a thousand words."

People can understand anything easily and clearly through pictures.

So, if you occasionally use some pictures related to the content of a blog article, it can attract the reader.

And, as readers spend more time looking at pictures, it will be easier to keep the bounce rate of the website low.

So, as much as possible, use images related to the subject of the article in your content.

8. Use short paragraph in article

No one likes to read cluttered and obscure content.

So, always write short paragraphs while writing your articles.

And, use headings after writing some paragraphs.

This will make it easier for the reader to read the content and stay connected to the article.

In this way, by writing content clearly and concisely, visitors or readers have more time to read your content.

And of course, the bounce rate of web pages will be lower.

9. Use videos in the article

By using videos in the article, it is possible to keep the visitors attached to that page for a long time.

And this process has proven to be very effective in reducing the bounce rate of a website.

Compared to an image or text content, video content attracts more attention from any visitor.

So, if you create your own blog post as a video, embed in the article, the bounce rate will be lower.

In this way, the reader can come to your article page and know the issues through video.

10. Use lots of words in the article

See, the less words you use in an article, the sooner visitors will finish reading it.

So, when writing an article on any subject, try to write it in at least 1500 to 2500 words.

In this, you will have two benefits.

  • The quality of the article will be good in the eyes of Google.
  • You can add detailed information related to the topic to the article.
Moreover, by using more words in the article, the reader will spend more time on that content.

And so, he needs to spend more time on your web page when reading content.

As a result, the bounce rate will increase as opposed to an increase.


In today's article we have learned "What is bounce rate of website"

In addition, we discussed some important rules for keeping the bounce rate low.

Friends, bounce rate is very important if you want to get free organic search traffic from Google search.

So, don’t neglect the subject.

My aim is always to provide you with accurate and working information.

So, if you have any questions or suggestions related to the article, please let us know by commenting below.


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