Earn Rs 1 lakh per month with a machine worth Rs 8 lakh!
Now most people are using smart phones. People are buying these glass protectors to protect the screens or displays of these devices. Earlier these screen protectors were shot
It was imported from China. But now if you try it yourself, you can make screen protectors for display protection of these smart phones in the country. And the demand for screen protectors for display protection of these smart phones is constantly increasing, so if you want, you can start this business to increase the income side by side with your job.
How to earn 1 lakh per month business ?
First you have to buy Laser Engraving Machine. You will get such a Laser Engraving Machine within 8-10 lakh rupees. First you can buy a Laser Engraving Machine and install it in your home. Once you have finished buying the machine, your job is to find a market for selling screen protectors. You can sell these glasses in two ways if you want. Provides wholesale and retail stores.
Cost of laser engraving machine ? ( laser engraving machine price )
Laser Engraving Machine machines can be of different types. You have to invest accordingly. If you buy a thick set of machines for 7 lakh rupees, you have to invest another one lakh rupees to buy paper.
Besides, it will be difficult for you alone to handle such a large market. That's why you need to hire one more person. You have to spend 8-10 thousand rupees per month for this. In total you have to spend 10 lakh rupees.
How much profit laser engraving business ?
Initially you have to select 100 shops. If you can supply this mobile screen protector in 100 stores at 200 per month, then a total of 20,000 pieces per month will be lost. If you can make a profit of 5 rupees per piece, then the total income will be - 200000X5 = 100,000 rupees
What else can this machine be used for?
With this machine you can use not only screen protector, but also shoes, clothing, leather, cloth toy, computerized embroidery cutting, models, crafts, bamboo and wood products, advertising, decoration, construction decoration, packaging and printing, paper product and other industries.
With this machine you can also make rubber, plastic, cloth, leather, wool, crystal, organic glass, ceramic tile, jade, bamboo products, wood products.
That's why your profit is not just from one product, you can earn in different ways with this one machine.
laser engraving machine for metal
Here is the Alibaba link of Laser Engraving Machine. You have to see the details from here.
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