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iOS 13.4 - Follow Up Review

iOS 13.4 has been out to all supported iOS 13 devices for a few days and adds new changes to photos, Mail, Home buttons, Assistive Touch, Find My, and more.  After using iOS 13.4 for a few days on the iPhone 11 Pro Max, 2020 iPad Pro, and iPhone XR I talk about the overall experience of iOS 13.4  battery life, performance, bugs and more.

iOS 13.4 - Follow Up Review

iOS 13.4 has been out for a few days and I've been using it on my iPhone 11 promax I also have it on the iPhone XR here and also the 2020 iPad pro 12.9 and so I want to share with you my experience and then you're experiencebased off the YouTube community poll where I've compiled all of theinformation based on over 10,000 votes and 200 plus comments and put thatinformation together to tell you what the real-world performance in batterylife and things like that are on iOS 13.4 .

The first thing is I wanted togo over an issue that Apple has already acknowledged and that has to do with VPNor virtual private network if you're using a VPN and you can find that insettings or maybe you have a separate VPN app turn on VPN and you'll see itconnect up here in a moment there we go VPN connected and for some people VPN isnot encrypting data and that's what VPN is it's basically creating a tunnel towhatever network you're talking to so it creates a secure encrypted tunnel andfor some reason it's not encrypting all of that data .

Now what specific apps orwhether or not it's right through the VPN itself the settings in settings forVPN is hard to say but Apple has acknowledged this is an issue and theyneed to fix it in the future so what that means is we're going to seean iOS 13 point four point one or maybe an iOS 13 point 5 beta one fairly soonbut I'll talk more about that towards the end of the video now the first thingis as far as the experience for me is I've had a few settings lock ups so ifyou go into settings today and yesterday I noticed this and I noticed it on myiPhone 11 pro max you just go in and it would lock up this is something we sawin early iOS 13 builds with the betas and then it sort of fixed itself by thetime .

It was out and some people had it some people didn't and it's been anissue on and off and why it still persists I'm not really sure but we alsosee it on the iPad I had the same exact thing happen on the brand new 20/20 iPadPro and for some reason settings with just hard freeze and so I had to closethe app and then go back and do it and then it worked fine so I don't know whatthat is but Apple definitely needs to address it now the next thing is theissue I've probably seen the mo and that is Bluetooth crashing if youtry to enter the settings via 3d touch or haptic press . 

If you go to settingsand haptic press on settings and then go to bluetooth you'll see if you havebluetooth on or off it doesn't really matter and it's already open you alreadyhave settings open it will work just fine so again go to settings 3d press orhaptic press go to bluetooth and it's fine it opens no problem if I go homeand I close that application settings for example 3d press on Bluetooth go tobluetooth it will crash every time so the way to fix it is obviously not closesettings and honestly shouldn't be closing applications in the backgroundanyway unless they use location like maps so you'll see . 

I don't really everclose apps ever unless it's Maps or Google Maps something like thatthat's actually going to use and run in the background otherwise there's no needto close it Apple even says there's no need to close it and when I show you allmy battery life and things like that I never close apps almost never it'svery rare unless I run a Geekbench I'll close them all just to beconsistent across devices otherwise I never closed them so lots of people areseeing that issue with 3d pressing settings now the next thing is I stillhave issues in mail and why mail still has issues I'm not sure sometimes I'llshow that .

I have to email I'll go in and they don't show up for a while I'll haveto manually refresh it and then other times if I use the little button to showme unread in email it just doesn't work right so continually I'm having issueswith emails so let me go into mail and in mail I use this button here forunread a lot if I tap on it all my email should disappear unless I've not readthem yet sometimes that button just doesn't work so I continually haveissues with email for some reason and a lot of you do as well and I've heardthat in the comments also from the poll now the good thing is performance isreally good across all devices that includes the iPhone 6s plus all the wayto the iPhone 11 Pro Macs and performance just going into differentapplications whether or not you're playing video games or you're just goinginto music and scrolling most people say other than the freeze up in settingsthat .

It's really performing very well even on older devices and the XR is notold but people are saying the same thing so if I go to musicjust loaded and things are nice and smooth and that's what you really wantfrom iOS 13 and most people say iOS 13 point four is the best release yeah andI would agree with that it's definitely the best version of iOS 13 in myexperience now battery life for me has been good and the people that typicallysay that it's not as good generally updated and then the same daythey say it's not good but you need to give it a few days because there's a lotof background activity that goes on there's a lot of backing up and updatingand things like that so if you've given it a few days and you still have poorbattery life .

I would check your apps and see what they are what they're doing butif we go to settings and go to battery I'll go to battery health and I have ahundred percent and I continually use this phone this is my main phone all thetime and I charge this throughout the nightand I charge it while I'm driving all wirelessly so that seems to work bestfor me I have a separate video on that but the updates do not affect thebattery capacity it only remeasure 'z .

The capacity so if you saw it go downit's only because your physical battery degraded a little bit which is normalfor lithium ion batteries now you'll see my screen time yesterday was not thatgreat but it depends on the day so today I have two hours and 40 minutes ofscreen on time two hours and 11 minutes of screen off time and I used a lot ofYouTube and it just depends whether or not you're on Wi-Fi or not and then youcan see other days I had four hours and 39 minutes 6 hours and 40 minutes ofscreen off time depending on the day it's going to vary so usually mostpeople have been responding that they're getting 10 to 12 12 hours of screen ontime and in fact this time around I took every one of you that mentioned batteryand .

I compiled it to see how many people said they had good battery life and howmany people said they had bad out of 200 comments and out of those 200 commentspeople that mentioned battery saying it was good it was 48 people now thatcovers all devices so iPhone 6s 7 7 plus iphone 11 iPhone XR, iPhone X all ofthem are covered there and 48 people said it was good only 20 said it was badso less than half are saying it's bad .

Now the problem is there's no way toquantify whether or not the people saying it's badhave actually used it for a few days if they're just updating they're going tosay it's bad so hopefully it's better most people say it's better and mostpeople say it's phenomenally better not just a little bit but hugely better nowyou can read all of those comments yourself and we'll look at that in justa moment but the other thing people are saying ismail issues and then finally washed all washed out wallpaper now I have not seenthe washed out wallpaper bug myself .

So if I go into wallpaper then go to choosea new wallpaper maybe go to stills I have not seen any of these wallpaperswash out when I'm using them I just haven't seen that on any device so justkeep that in mind it seems to be good on all of these so again what I'm talkingabout how battery is and things I'm covering all devices not just one solet's take a look at the YouTube community pool now before I go over theYouTube community poll here all the issues mentioned if they could be goodor bad in either direction RAM management .

People are saying it's goodbattery I already talked about that so for example there's all the numbers andthen here's all the devices you're using based off the comments so if you told mewhat device you're using the numbers should be accurate here now as far asthe YouTube community poll at this time over 11,000 people have voted in justone day so I really appreciate that and 53 percent of you have said that it'sgreat that's a pretty high number for a public release only three percent sayit's terrible and then 14 percent say ok but some bugs so again based off thesenumbers that's a pretty good pretty good number or subset that shows you youprobably should update and then 17% didn't update whether they're waitingfor this video or maybe you want to stay on an older version that's possible butif you are concerned about battery it's much more important to upgrade becauseof security than anything else there are a lot of bug fixes and things that willfix issues you've had before in fact LTE and Wi-Fi and RAM management thosethings .

Most people say are mostly or 100% fixed in this update so just keepthat in mind and then 13 percent of you say I use the Android that's down from15 percent so whether or not people switched from iOS or from Android to iOSit's hard to say but usually that's 15 percent but either way I appreciate youvoting now let's take a look at some of the comments the first one says the onlyproblem that won't it won't let me move songsaround once .

I've started listening I can't switch song place in the queueeverything seems to be working nice and smooth on my iPhone 11 no issues toreport on my success plus data connection is better than 13 point threepoint one battery life is fine and Bluetooth issue in 3d touch in thesettings app iPhone X great frankly all the iOS 13 updates except the first twowhile back were good and I didn't really notice any bugs maybe a bit worsebattery life but that's because I live in Egypt where it's hotter than whatbatteries can stand so all of them were good including 13.4 XS max supersmooth only bug I've noticed is the Bluetooth 3d touch crash I got 7 gigsback from beta 5 2 g-m I'm on iphone 7 plus and on public beta 13.4 and it'spretty good .

I think you mean the final since there wasn't a final update per seif you're on the GM but either way no hiccups no lagging speed is good I didnot notice any issues on my iPhone XR and my iPad 6 gen no problems andgreat battery life great on my iPhone 7 when it comes to battery life I'mgetting basically the same as thirteen point three point one on thirteen pointfour same with performance battery life is better and data connection is a lotbetter iOS 13 point four is good iPhone XR hi Aaron my screen on time wasapproximately seven hours yesterday and experienced a little bit heating issueon my iPhone XS max have you also experienced this issue on your iPhonenot usually if the phone is doing a lot of intensive processes you will get itto warm up a little bit that's normal for the processor to get warm but ifit's continually doing it .

I recommend rebooting the phone to see if that fixesit usually it will my iPhone 7 plus is working fine fast and smooth with iOS13.4 I have not encountered any issues whatsoever and the battery life is ok aswell iPhone 8 works great battery life as you would expect to always lookforward to your videos thank you iPhone 11 pro max user here only one bugover the past few days I was on my way home aux cord plugged into my phone andplaying music in my car when the phone shut off and went black for about 5minutes it restarted and hasn't had any other issues other than that everythingis running great terrific battery life and great cellularaction the battery is just amazing on my iPhone XS max but it still has someglitches running iOS 13.4 on my iPhone 8 plus and so far I have absolutely noproblems it's running perfectly smooth the mail app is working with no problemswhich is a big relief because I use it a lot for work ,

But the battery life isabout the same maybe it's because my battery health is at 86% so I don't seethat getting any better but overall I'm very happy with it it's running fine onmy 11 pro max no issues so far except from the haptic touch menu settingscrash sometimes battery life and performance are great LTE just likenormal iPhone 11 great battery great performance this is a noticeable upgradeall around in my humble opinion I'm a beta user so on the GM version so so farno problems at all on my iPhone 11 Pro max it's all good cleared up some bugs Ihad with thirteen point three point one I'm pretty sure battery life is okay aswell and then finally so far no problems at all iPhone 11 pro max .

So like I saidbefore in all the statistics I gathered and everything most people say it's abetter battery life and again give it a few days if you just upgraded for it toimprove but the majority of people are saying that it has better battery lifethere's also better RAM management much better LTE and Wi-Fi compared tothirteen point three point one or the previous updates so they fixed all thoseissues so I highly recommend installing thirteen point four if you haven'talready unless you have an alternate reason where some software won't workwith it or something like that but the security the bug fixes the battery lifeperformance and everything that goes along with it is definitely worth theupgrade in my opinion so that's it for iOS 13 point .

Now like I said there'sissues with that VPN so I would expect an iOS 13 point for point one if that'sall they're going to fix or if they have other bug fixes and new features toimplement than a thirteen point five beta one this coming week may bepossible as well it's hard to say what Apple's timeline is going to be based oncurrent things going on but hopefully they'll continue with the softwareupdates and fix all those additional bugs like the 3d press 2 Bluetoothsettings issue .


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